It's illnesses like this that make me glad I'm still breastfeeding him. Even though he's not that interested in eating, he can still get some nutrition & antibodies from my milk, not to mention the comfort. I have to admit, though I hate seeing him sick, I loved having him sitting on my lap for a solid hour or two straight while we watched videos & scribbled with crayons. I'm glad I was able to just sit with him for a while--he had a bit more energy after our cuddle & seemed somewhat recharged.
Another notable language thing this week is that he identified some balloons as orange. He has been using the word balloon for months & he's not confusing them with the fruit--they weren't inflated & so aren't a similar shape. I was pretty excited that he's starting to get colours. It's the only one I've heard so far, though.
Hide & go seek is one of Sprout's newest games. He'll get a huge smile on his face, squeal & run off to stand behind a chair (where I can see his legs). A few seconds later, he'll peek out from around the chair & squeal when he sees me. He also decided to climb on top of the SPUD bin, under the microwave, as you can see in the picture on the right.
He also loves reading The Lorax--now that he knows the story (we've read it daily since getting it from the library about a week ago)--he'll sit through the whole thing quite contentedly.
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