Monday I skipped Fitcamp (I know, I know, that's two classes in a row) but I did ride down to Langara & back for a total of 40 minutes of cycling.
Tuesday I got in some walking while running errands, maybe a half hour all together.
Wednesday we did a minor amount of walking, but SweetSalt Bakery is just too close to our house, so it wasn't ten minutes at a time.
Thursday we got stuck waiting around most of the afternoon for a plumber, so didn't get out at all.

Friday I skipped Fitcamp again (I'm blaming Sprout's wacky sleep schedule. Naps are throwing off his bedtime to too late for even me. More on that in a future post.) No real exercise to be had.
Saturday the weather was (finally) nice, so we biked to UBC & back, about 110 minutes.
Exercise total for the week: 200 minutes. 80 minutes under my goal for the week. ARgh! It's the weather I'm blaming. I haven't been particularly inclined to get myself & Sprout into full rain gear & slosh out on the bike. The cold, I don't mind so much.

What is this Exercise Challenge, you ask? Read my post on Day One for details & how you can get involved too.
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