Sunday, April 29, 2012

Out & About: Van Dusen Gardens & Ocean Concrete Open House

Friday we biked to Van Dusen Gardens, meeting our friends there. We walked all the way to the other end of the gardens & the hedge maze, stopping for a picnic & some rolling down grassy hills. Sadly we didn't get any photos of the rolling. Here's a slide show of the rest of the fun:

Saturday we rode to Ocean Concrete's big annual Open House. Sprout was actually able to enjoy it this year, doing some colouring, climbing the steps to get into the giant truck, dancing to the music & playing with his balloon. Last year he fell asleep on the way there & slept through most of the event, despite the huge truck horns honking & the amplified brass band at the event.

Here's another slide show with a few photos of the day:

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