Saturday, September 8, 2012

Retrospective Navel-gazing

No more photos, Mama-razzi!
I decided to look at my blogging archives for inspiration for writing today's post. Where was I at a year ago? Two years ago? I just kept going back, back, back... nearly to the beginning. 2005 was the year I started blogging, over on Livejournal. I think the only person who read my blog back then was me. I had to look at a third blog to find 2006-2009 or so. RenoBlog was intended to chronicle the work we did on our condo, then this house. The fact that I'm using the past tense about this blog tells you how far we got on the renos. :P Spending way too much time on that little project over there→

Anyway, here's the the trip down memory lane in links:

2011: Sprout was starting to talk & still working on mobility a year ago.

I also posted a series of photos of Sprout asleep on me (just like he was earlier today, come to think of it--not much has changed) from birth to age one.

2010: Two years ago, I felt compelled to blog about poop. (But it's cute newborn poop, so it's okay. Heh. I'll understand if you don't read this one.)

2009: I was still grieving the loss of our first baby, Arrow. I stopped blogging for five months after miscarrying him at 18 weeks along in June of that year. In September we went to Europe for a month. The trip was part of the healing process, something else to think about & plan for.

2008, we'd just moved into the house here. I was thinking about ways I could go green.

2007: A bit more than five years ago--I didn't blog much at all that year--I told the story of what happened after I absentmindedly left a bag of just-bought clothing next to the ATM at a bank in our neighbourhood. I called it, "I have a horseshoe up my ass..."

2006: I was thinking about fall fashion & shoes in particular. Still a fan of the Birkenstocks & I still look forward to getting back into layering, come cooler weather.

We were also doing some work on the first home we bought together, not long before we sold it. This post is from November, not exactly six years ago, but I thought I'd throw it in here anyway.

2005: I was wondering what it would be like to move to an island. Clearly I wasn't that serious about it, as we haven't left East Van.

1 comment:

  1. I like to also look at my old blog posts to get new ideas. Sometimes you just need to take a break from blogging go for a walk. Live your life and let the ideas come to you.


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