Having fresh eyes look at the blog & hearing about it from a reader's perspective is so valuable to me. I 'live' here at The Sprog, so it's hard for me to see it the way someone visiting for the first time might. I also come up with more ideas when I can bounce ideas off another person.
So after all the feedback, I sat down & rearranged a few things around here. There's more still to come, but what do you think so far? Can you spot the changes? I welcome your comments!

Starting at just $40, Gifts of Canadian Nature help protect habitat for Canada’s native wildlife. A Gift of Canadian Nature
lasts for years to come and is a gift that gives thrice! Once to the
recipient with a personalized certificate and
a beautiful calendar, once to the giver with a charitable tax receipt,
and once to Canadian wildlife. This year we are featuring the snowy owl,
the grizzly bear, the caribou, the gray fox and the Canada lynx. Click the image or follow this link for more information.
Nice! I like the Kids at the Table pic and the site looks easier to navigate. You work fast, bloggin' Mama.