Just before you delve in, if you read last week's 10 Lies About Me & were wondering which was actually true... it was #4. I didn't actually dye my hair any unnatural colours when I was in art school, but I did indeed have very short purple hair later on when I was in university.
- That there is a fantastic & supportive community of bloggers out there. You know who you are!
- Two-year-olds are even funnier than one-year-olds.
- I'm happier when I have several volunteer jobs in my community.
- Danish bakers make the best danishes. (Go to SweetSalt Bakery in Vancouver if you want to try for yourself!)
- Performing in a TV commercial is fun, not because of being on TV, but because of all the time spent hanging out with the other performers.
- I will survive if I don't log into Facebook at least once per hour.
- Children are far more likely to get injured or lost when there are more people around. Like at a second birthday party. Not naming any names.
- Dr. Seuss books are really great to read aloud, even the 473rd time.
- While I don't really like cycling in the rain, Sprout thinks it's fun.
- Listicles are awesome.

Why Monday lists? Reading the lovely Chloe's blog, Tea Swamp Park, I found an idea I had to 'steal': a list of all her Halloween costumes, with quite a few photos. She got the idea from Hula Seventy's List Project. I've decided to do the weekly lists for a year that Hula Seventy is doing.
Tea Swamp Park & Hula Seventy are not the only ones doing lists, however. Click on the Listicles badge to the left to check out NorthWestMommy's list & 'assignment' for next week.

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Two-year-olds are a lot of fun. And favourite books are always great, no matter how often we read them, right?
ReplyDeleteI'm not one to reread novels because I feel like there are so many out there that I want to get to, but obviously with kids' books that doesn't apply. It's the rhythm & rhyme that Dr. Seuss used that really gets me. Fun, unique & memorable. :)
DeleteSo did you really try the thing about not logging on to Facebook every hour? I was going to try it but I wanted someone else to experiment first. So you survived, huh? Maybe I should try it...well...sometime ;)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE that you volunteer. Every time I read your blog I feel like I need to step up my game serverely. Thanks for the push!
Ha, I'm still kind of addicted to FB, can't really say I've kicked the habit. It's more that Twitter & Instagram have started eating into my FB time. LOL, but yes, I survived without logging in for an hour!
DeleteHey, do what you can with the volunteering. It's no fun when you over-commit, so start small & work your way up as you have time!
What a fun list, what commercial were you in?
ReplyDeleteIt's a Huggies training pants commercial--I was part of the circus marching down the street to celebrate the boy's 'first flush'. Totally over-the-top (giant toilet shaped cake, parade float, balloons, bubbles, marching band--seriously!!) & fun to be in. Also ironic, as we don't really use disposable diapers at all. LOL
DeleteI've never seen the commercial, as we don't have a TV, & I never heard back about when it would air... let me know if you see it!
I used to know Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham line-by-line. It does go away though. I'm sad to admit.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it'd come right back if you just practised a bit... ;)
DeleteI still have most of Green Eggs and Ham memorized. Three is even funnier than two. So far, four is my favorite but then I say that every year!
ReplyDeleteGreen Eggs & Ham is awesome!
DeleteI've heard a lot about the terrible twos & how kids get more difficult as they get older, but I'm choosing to focus on how they get funnier as they get older! Looking forward to three & four... :)
Listicles are totally awesome! I agree with Ducky - 3 is even funnier!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to Listicles every week! :) Off to read yours now...
DeleteTwo year olds are fun...mostly. And listicles are definitely awesome!
ReplyDeleteYes, *mostly* fun. Glass slightly more than half full, right?
DeleteThey really do get progressively more fun as they age!
ReplyDeleteAlso, are you sure we can survive without checking Facebook (twitter, instagram, pinterest...) every hour? I'm kind of afraid to try in case I implode!!
I guarantee you won't implode. Can't guarantee you won't be twitching or have strong urges to grab any electronic devices within reach. ;)
DeleteLove the blogging community and completely agree about the volunteering! I started a volunteer job this year and just LOVE it!
ReplyDeleteThis was a happy list to read. I giggled that Danish bakers make the best danish. :) Ellen
ReplyDeleteThanks! & about the danishes: it's totally true!
DeleteOoh, I like this one. How could I forget to mention Listicles? I lost my at-the-time 3-year-old son at my nine-year-old's birthday party. Not something I want to repeat!!!
ReplyDeleteYeah, birthday parties are daaaangerous for children wandering off... I swear it's happened at 50% of the parties I've been to this past year. It all turned out fine in the end, nobody got hurt, but yeah. Nerve-wracking.
Delete#10 - YES!! :) Great list.
DeleteTwo year olds are fun... but the threes are even better! They start to become little people with their own personalities.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!
It's been a lot of fun watching his personality develop! :)
DeleteTwo year olds are really fun. They can have the same book every night and never get tired of it.
ReplyDeleteThe number of times we've read each book in Sprout's collection... Luckily we have so many that we can sort of rotate them out after a while, so we're not reading 'Goodnight Moon' for the 800th time yet. :)