Saturday, May 4, 2013

Literacy in Canada--Infographic

I came across an interesting infographic on literacy in Canada. Take a look & tell me what you think in the comments below--are you as shocked as I am at the numbers?

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  1. I dunno, the source of #3 seems a wee bit biased ;) Lies, damn lies and statistics and all that aside, it's definitely an important reminder not to take literacy for granted!

    1. That's the thing with infographics--they're usually made *for* a particular company & this one's connected with Indigo Books, I think. Still, I thought it worth posting, as I found the stats quite shocking. I do remember seeing really old books in the libraries when I was in elementary school, all those years ago & who knows how inaccurate the information was then.

  2. That is very interesting and I can't comment whether I am surprised or not. I do think it is an awful shame the lack of budget and priority for the children.
    I would be interested in finding a chart like this for the US

    1. I doubt it would be hard to find similar stats for the US. It's surprising to me when I find one that's actually got Canadian stats, like this one does. I assume the numbers would be similar... but that's just a hunch. I don't really know. If you ever do find anything--let me know!


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