Christian Swenson
Look, up on the stage!!
It's a dancer... a singer!
It's a bubble... a dinosaur!
Seattle-based performer Christian Swenson has toured the world enchanting young and old alike. Morphing into characters, dinosaurs, aliens and "body music" on the spot. He is a living, breathing, moving, singing, dancing, transforming machine. The result is fascinating, inspirational and highly entertaining. Audience members are invited to join him to "Act Like Water", create stories, music and enact "word improvisations".

NEW WESTMINSTER: Sunday, January 26, 2014 at 11am and 1pm (2 sessions) at River Market at Westminster Quay, 810 Quayside Drive, New Westminster (map)
Learn more about ArtStarts on Saturdays and ArtStarts at River Market.
Admission is free. No registration necessary, but please come early as this is a popular program. Ideal for ages 5 and up, but all are welcome.
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