Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Exercise Challenge: Month 2, Day 1

Today I had no excuses: the weather was nice, I'd planned somewhere to go & I got a great night's sleep. So instead of pushing Sprout in the stroller to the Mount Pleasant Community Centre for baby chaos drop-in play gym, I strapped on the Beco carrier & he hopped on my back. The walk there & back was 30 minutes in total. Besides carrying the extra 27 pounds of Sprout, I also picked up a few pounds of groceries too.

Unfortunately, I forgot to bring the library books (which are due today) with us to the community centre, so I'll have to go back later today. Fortunately, this means a bit more exercise--I'll probably bike down.

 65 minutes & counting for this week's total.
UPDATE: biked 10 minutes to return books. 75 minutes total for the week.

What is this Exercise Challenge, you ask? Read my post on Day One for details & how you can get involved too. 

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