Sunday, December 9, 2012

Exercise Challenge: Month 9, Week 1

During our walk home Sunday.
Sunday we bussed to Bright Nights in Stanley Park, then hit Fatburger on the way back. We walked home from there, about a half hour of walking.

Monday I biked to Famous Foods & back for some groceries, about a 25 minute ride all told, due to some accidental detours. :)

Tuesday we biked to Hillcrest for a swim, then to the Outpost for lunch & to pick up a gift certificate that Katharine donated to the Mount Pleasant Family Centre's fundraiser, then rode over to Famous Foods to retrieve Sprout's little toy truck that he'd left behind. About 45 minutes of riding, all told.

Wednesday Sprout & I went to the Mount Pleasant Family Centre, but it's so close, that walking there doesn't really count as exercise.

Thursday I didn't get out at all.

Friday I biked downtown & back--40 minutes of riding. The appointment I was going to was around the same time as Fitcamp so I skipped that. AGAIN.

Saturday we biked to the Aquarium for a tour that was put together for a group of bloggers. (I'll be writing more about that soon!) The ride to & fro was about 75 minutes.

Weekly Total: 215 minutes. Well below my goal. Add in all the holiday treats I'm already eating: a recipe for some holiday weight gain. :(

Nothing says “best gift ever” like a caribou!
Starting at just $40, Gifts of Canadian Nature help protect habitat for Canada’s native wildlife. A Gift of Canadian Nature lasts for years to come and is a gift that gives thrice! Once to the recipient with a personalized certificate and a beautiful calendar, once to the giver with a charitable tax receipt, and once to Canadian wildlife. This year we are featuring the snowy owl, the grizzly bear, the caribou, the gray fox and the Canada lynx. Click the image or follow this link for more information.

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1 comment:

  1. Boo to the holiday weight gain. Happens every time to me. At lest you are not working in an office full of Christmas treats four days a week!!


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