Monday I biked over to Michael's to pick up some Christmas crafting supplies: pony beads, sparkly pipe cleaners & a gingerbread house kit. Total riding time was about 20 minutes.
Tuesday I didn't leave the house until evening when I went to party. I walked there, but it was literally just around the corner--not enough to count as exercise.
Wednesday I walked to the Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House wearing Sprout to help set up for the big holiday party. Later I biked downtown for a cocktail party at Hawksworth Communications. 60 minutes of exercise.
Thursday I walked to the MPNH & back pushing the stroller full of Sprout, my stilts & my fairy costume. I also stilted for an hour, but it's not really cardio, so I won't count that. 20 minutes of walking.
Friday I made it to Fitcamp! With cycling up there & the class, it came to 80 minutes of exercise.
Saturday I got in a little bit of walking--maybe 10 minutes total.
Weekly Total: 235 minutes. I have to say, getting exercise, when much of what I normally do is outdoors, is challenging when the weather is so cold & wet. It's been a few weeks since I hit my goal of 280 minutes a week. I'm going to keep on keeping on & shoot for better next week. :)

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