Monday, November 4, 2013

Recycle Your Old Broken Shavers & ElectroRecycle Donates $5 to #Movember

It’s that time of year again when growing a moustache becomes acceptable and even encouraged.
ElectroRecycle, B.C.’s small appliance and power tool recycling program, is donating $5.00 to Movember for every electric and rechargeable razor, beard trimmer, and shaver collected during the month of November, up to a maximum of $10,000.

Approximately 1,000 electric razors and trimmers are collected by ElectroRecycle each month – an estimated 18,900 to date, or 22,500 kg. With the $10,000 goal in mind, the program is hoping to double the monthly collection rate for November. More recycling means “Mo’” money for cancer research and awareness.

Photo Credit: Wicked Sushi via Compfight cc
“We hate to see a month’s worth of growing get wiped away with a dull, rusty or slow razor,” says Julie Robertson, program coordinator at ElectroRecycle. “Recycling old and broken razors is helping cancer research and awareness, the environment and your upper lip. It’s a mo-brainer.” 

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer to afflict men in Canada with approximately 23,600 men diagnosed annually. One in seven males will suffer from this form of cancer in their lifetime. It is the third most common cause of cancer death in Canadian men. However, if detected and treated early, there is a 95 per cent survival rate.[i]

British Columbia is a leader in prostate cancer research, early detection and cancer diagnosis programs and procedures. The province also continues to have the lowest cancer incidence and mortality rates in Canada.i

Movember is a global charity and movement that seeks to combat prostate and testicular cancer and mental health challenges. In 2012, more than 247,000 Canadians participated in Movember, raising $42.6 million. This resulted in Canada taking the title for the top fundraising nation – a title ElectroRecycle wants to help achieve again with this recycling initiative.[ii]

“ElectroRecycle encourages British Columbians to make a positive impact on the environment by taking simple actions to reduce their waste,” says Laura Selanders, president of the Canadian Electrical Stewardship Association (CESA), the agency operating ElectroRecycle. “This is one example of how people can support recycling while also helping a cause that is so important both locally and globally.”

ElectroRecycle is the first recycling program of its kind in Canada, and the only government-approved recycling program in B.C. for electrical appliances. The not-for-profit initiative, introduced in 2011 by CESA to meet a recycling mandate from the provincial Ministry of the Environment, provides an environmentally friendly alternative for a variety of electrical products such as toasters, blenders, irons, sewing machines and electric toothbrushes that would otherwise end up in our landfills. More than 300 types of electrical products are accepted for drop-off through the ElectroRecycle program, free-of-charge. It’s accessible and convenient, with over 145 drop-off locations across the province.

To find out more about ElectroRecycle and where to recycle your small appliances and power tools, visit

The Canadian Electrical Stewardship Association (CESA) is a non-profit industry association formed to manage ElectroRecycle the small appliances and power tool recycling program in British Columbia. CESA’s membership includes a wide array of small appliance manufacturers and retailers who import and sell small appliances in British Columbia. CESA has partnered with B.C.-based Product Care Association to set up and operate ElectroRecycle throughout the province.

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