Sunday, February 2, 2014

10 Guilty Pleasures

Fast food chicken fingers should be on this list...
This week's Listicles is all about confessions. When I started making my list, I realized that a ton of them are about food. Which reminded me of an episode of Sex And The City where they talked about 'secret single behaviour'. I forget which of the women it was, but hers was eating saltines standing up at her kitchen counter. I could really relate to that.

It's been a loooong time since I was single & these days I'm rarely even alone at all, but I still have some guilty pleasures when it comes to eating. I feel guiltiest when the things I secretly like are super processed, sugary, salty or just generally unhealthy. Which is most of the list.

  1. Campbell's soup--particularly tomato or cream of mushroom. As if the sodium-laced canned soup wasn't bad enough, I eat it with at least a dozen crushed saltines. Heh.
  2. Kraft Dinner (you Americans may know this as Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, but north of 49 we don't call it that). Again with the tons of salt. & cheese powder. So gross, but yet so yummy.
  3. Eating an entire bag of chips. I prefer the kettle cooked ones, but will eat pretty much any kind of potato chips, I'm not that picky when I get a bad craving.
  4. Rice with butter. I'll snack on this when we have leftovers--I just put a bunch of butter on a big bowl of rice & heat it in the microwave. Generally I'll sprinkle a little tamari sauce on too. The redeeming quality of this is that it's brown rice--we rarely eat white rice at home.
  5. Licking Nutella off a spoon.
  6. Eating chocolate chips. In our house, at least 75% of chocolate chips never make it into baking. Heh.
  7. Drowning pancakes or french toast in syrup. At least it's real maple syrup, but still...
  8. McDonald's breakfasts. It doesn't really matter whether it's a Sausage McMuffin or Breakfast Burritos, they're all full of sodium, fat & probably a number of other things I shouldn't be eating. But I still love me a good Mickey Dee's breakfast every once in a while.
  9. Jello. I've recently rediscovered my love for this jiggly stuff. I avoid looking at the ingredients list with who knows how many numbered food dyes & just enjoy the nostalgic squishy taste.
  10. Combining a can of corn & cubed cheddar, then eating it cold. It's really tasty, I tell you!
There you have it. Did I shock those of you who thought I was a healthy eater? Do you share my love of any of the above things? It's your turn now: what are your guilty food-related pleasures? 

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  1. Replies
    1. You've got the best excuse ever for indulging in food cravings these days though! I can't say that anymore... :) Thanks for commenting!

  2. 5 and 6 are mine for sure!!! Going forward though I will just think about having canned corn- on its own or especially with cheese - that should kill any cravings:) What a list!!
    Mine might be cheese. And chocolate covered jube-jubes. mmmmm....

    1. A fellow chocoholic, I see! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Corn and cubed cheese? Interesting!! I might have to try this one day!

    I mentioned over on my list about my nachos and fake cheese attraction. I could completely let myself junk it up if I really just let go. I also love to make breadless pbj's. Just dip a spoon in peanut butter and then grab and equal dab/scoop of jelly. Voila!

    1. Ha ha! Breadless PBJs! I will have to try that one. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Ahhhh - the thought of the cheese powder of Kraft Mac and Cheese makes me cringe, BUT it really tastes good. It's a distinct taste, and I do enjoy a box every now and then. YES! eating a whole bag of chips..I've come close. Sometimes, I am just in a really big mood to indulge in something salt & vinegar or Cool Ranch Doritos. I used to love the McGriddles, but don't eat them that much anymore since I bit into a nasty piece of sausage once.

    1. I know--we really shouldn't be eating food that makes us cringe when we think about the ingredients list... I'm with you on the McGriddles... those things were the ultimate fast food breakfast trifecta of fat, salt & sugar. I only had one or two & I'm not even sure if they're still available here in Canada, thankfully. Thanks for popping by!

  5. I so forgot to add Jell Knox Blox (jigglers, or whatever) to my list! I love the berry blue flavor!

    I also found that many of my indulgences focused on food! Love me some Nutella!

    1. I never actually had Nutella until I was an adult but I find I couldn't live without it now... Thanks for visiting my Listicles!

  6. I definitely sneak a few bits of Mac 'n Cheese when I make it for the kids. Somehow the homemade stuff just doesn't hold the same spot in my heart. And's not allowed in this house because I'll just stuff my face with spoonfuls of it!

    1. I convince myself that if I put the large spoonful into a bowl of oatmeal, that somehow cancels out the unhealthiness of it... ;) Thanks for commenting!

  7. Definitely some comfort foods of childhood here--I used to love Campbell's tomato soup; it was my absolute favorite. Now I eat much healthier versions. My husband has a huge chocolate chip weakness, I've discovered. I do love me some maple syrup, too, but it has to be the REAL STUFF! :)

    Marie from

    1. Real maple syrup is so much better than the corn syrup based stuff. For me, the price is worth the flavour for a lot of foods like that--why settle for poor quality food if you can afford a dollar or two extra? I'd rather skimp on something else. :) Thanks for stopping by my Listicles this week!


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