Goodbye, old friend. |
The last few times I've put on this bra, I keep noticing the holes along the elastic getting bigger. I've been meaning to repair it, but while doing a closet purge & really looking at it, I realize this bra's a little beyond that point now. It's time to say goodbye.
Why so nostalgic about an undergarment? Well...
Back in the summer of 2010, close to ready to pop |
This Bravado nursing bra has been with me through the awkward nights of sleep during two pregnancies, two newborns worth of midnight feedings, low milk supply both times, countless breastfeeding clinic visits, nearly a year total of daily pumping, thrush infections, finally making enough to exclusively breastfeed, nursing in public the first time, tiny sharp toothed bites, toddler gymnurstics, mom & baby fitness classes, many tears of frustration, & more happy moments.
I'm sad the bra won't make it until I finish breastfeeding; Bronte is nowhere near ready to wean. Between her & Linnaeus, I've now breastfed over 55 months. Add to that the time I wore it to bed during my last trimesters & I've worn this comfy little bra (along with several others) for
five & a half years.
So goodbye, my old friend. Or... maybe this is the sort of thing I should keep to show my grandchildren? Ha!
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I totally get it. I'm saving some of the kid's baby sleepers to make into a bear for each of them...this kind of fabric would make a cute section of this type of project.