Tuesday, December 29, 2015

2016 Resolutions

It seems like forever that I've been making New Year's Resolutions. Some years I do better than others, but I keep on. Here are my ambitions for this coming year:

  1. Keep eating healthier & probably lose a little more weight. I think the amount I've lost so far has made a big difference to the amount of pain I have from my osteoarthritis, but I don't want to go lower than a healthy weight. Once I'm at that point in a few months, I'll work on maintaining good eating habits & drop the food diary that I'm keeping at the moment. 
  2. Meal planning follows logically from #1. I want to get back on the wagon with this one so that we can grocery shop more effectively, waste less food & eat better with less work.
  3. Find a workable routine with my physio exercises for both my hip & my shoulder. I want to strengthen both to heal up the tendinopathy in my shoulder & further reduce pain in my hip. Hopefully I'll be able to shift from boring exercises by myself at home to more aquafit & try pilates classes.
  4. Less screen time for me. I spend way too much time online when I could be doing things like #5, #6, & #7 on this list. I think I'll go back to using RescueTime to try to log & reduce wasted time on my various devices.
  5. Work on more creative projects like sewing & visual art. Having the chance to follow my inspiration & drift from a simple cutting exercise for Linny into a collage, then a big multimedia decoupaged canvas recently was fabulous. I need to do more of that.
  6. Read more. I'll aim for at least a book a month. That should be off to a great start when my copy of the Velocipede Races arrives in the next month.
  7. Take more time for myself on a regular basis. I find I'm a much better parent/spouse/human after I get time off. I just can't function properly if I'm with my husband & children 24/7 with no time alone. 

Once I look at the whole list, it seems rather typical--lose weight, exercise, me time. But I guess that's why these things are so common as to be cliched resolutions--we all need to do them. 

Are you into resolutions? If so, what are some of yours for 2016? If not, do you have any tradition of setting intentions or a motto or a word to go by for the year?

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