This past month, I feel like a lot has happened in Sprout's world. Some months, I struggle to think of what he's learned & done for the first time, but this month the list was long:
- The first one is a biggie: skipping the usual morning breastfeeding & refusing it at nap time. I think he's getting close to weaning & I'm going to stop offering except before bed.
- Increased wordplay--making up his own rhymes like "Lisa pita". His pronunciation of consonant clusters is really improving. Yesterday he said his cousin's name correctly: Skylar. He's also saying toklit now instead of tokit (chocolate).
- Singing "Row row row your boat", a few Raffi songs & his ABCs. He also counts out loud a lot, generally missing either four or five.
- A lot of caregiving-type role playing, making his stuffies & dolls sit on toilet or potty, helping them ride his firetruck ride-on, feeding them or undressing them.
- I had to put away another set of clothes he's grown out of. Suddenly I realized that all his pants were too short!
- His easel in living room, with washable markers accessible, is used daily. Mostly vertical scribbles lately, no real shapes or pictures yet.
- The nap is fading--he's down to about four to five days a week. If we're out & active, especially on weekends, he'll often skip it.
- Getting much better with cutlery, Sprout will sometimes eat a whole meal without using fingers.
- He's developed a mitten obsession & slept wearing them several times.
- We got a bird feeder & Sprout loves watching the little birds out the window.
- His very last two-year-old molar is in!
At dinner time:
"What do you want to drink? Milk, tea or water?"
Whenever someone sings a song, Sprout will applaud, saying, "Yay! Clap, clap!"

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