Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Oli having some skin-to-skin time with minutes-old Linnaeus
This post is dedicated to the two most important fathers in my life: my Daddy & my baby daddy, aka husband, Papa to Sprout.

Hope you're enjoying Father's Day. We here in East Van are lucky enough to be able to celebrate it on 21 blocks of Main Street shut down to car traffic for the day (aka Car Free Day Vancouver). How perfect is that for a cycling papa like Oliver?

Me, Wem, Daddy & a future neurologist.
I'd also like to send a happy Father's Day greeting out to my dad in Coquitlam, who, sadly, doesn't get a large chunk of his neighbourhood turned into a giant street party for the day. Here's a really awkward family photo of us (I think that's my mom's leg on the lower left), circa 1988. Hope you're having a relaxing day, Daddy!

Here is a round up of some fabulous things I've read lately on the subject of fathers:

My friend Emily's post over on Regressive Parenting about fatherhood & gender roles.
Hm... my description makes it sound a bit dry--I assure you it's not, as Emily's always hilarious.

Whatever you think of Bill Clinton, I love that he insisted on being in the room during the c-section birth of his daughter Chelsea, despite it being against official hospital policy. Via Huffington Post.

If you liked my awkward family photo, take a look at this slideshow of great pics from Awkward Family Photos, focussing specifically on dear old dad. Or rather, dear ODD dad.

For those of you whose dads weren't around or really weren't the father figures they should have been during your childhood, Jezebel has a list of miscellany for you too.

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