Thought I'd post a little update about how #30DaysOfBiking is going so far. It's not a contest, nor is there a minimum distance required to participate. However, I'll include approximate kilometres ridden each day to give you a sense of how close by most things are. Running errands & doing social things by bike is really doable for most people who live in a city like Vancouver. You don't necessarily have to bike 600km a month like Oliver does to make an impact on your health or your carbon footprint.

If you want to read more about it & see more photos, I wrote a recap here: #YVRFamilyBiking Easter Bonnet Ride.
Sunday the weather was even better than Saturday, so we rode down to the Olympic Village to run a few errands. First of which was dropping off some broken small appliances & batteries for recycling at London Drugs (more on that on can recycle a LOT of things there next time you go!). Next we picked up some live plants for our aquarium (8km).

Easter Monday I just got in a quick ride to a park a few blocks from home (2km). The sky was incredible & the cherry trees all along the street were blooming, so I just had to take some photos of my bike. How could I not, right?

Wednesday Bronte & I dropped Linnaeus off at preschool & headed downtown to run a couple errands & do a little shopping (more plants!). Later that evening I biked to my second Active Transportation Policy Council meeting (16km).
Today we haven't biked anywhere yet--I'll likely bike the kids to a park after B's nap.
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